Countrywide Mediation is a group of highly trained mediators who work with families in the throught the UK to help them work through the challenges of divorce and separation.
We work with married couples to provide support and guidance while you go through the divorce or separation process. We are aware that this may be a very difficult period in your life and that it can cause a great deal of emotional strain.
The Household Mediation Council has given the Family Mediation Professional Accreditation (FMCA) to each and every member of our Family Mediation Team.
For married couples who have separated and need to resolve disputes around child access, parental responsibilities and financial issues then family mediation is perfect. Contact Countrywide Family Mediation today to find out more.
Disputes in relationships are a common occurrence. Some of the common issues especially include child related issues and financial disputes. The married couples may try to solve their problems by talking to family members or friends. However, this may not always turn out successfully, as one of the parties may feel the parties involved are taking sides. When this approach fails, they may turn to the legal system to try and come up with an amicable solution that suits both parties. Are you looking for a MIAM?
However, the downside to this approach is that it is expensive and it may leave them in more financial trouble than they were before the dispute. Furthermore, the fees paid to the solicitor increases as the dispute continues, and thus they may find themselves sacrificing to save on finances, rather than coming to a cordial agreement.
In addition, these types of legal action usually take a long time to solve and can become more complicated as the dispute drags on, which may end up traumatic for the parties involved. However, there is a better solution to these problems. Mediation usually offers a better way to solve disputes, coupled with the numerous advantages it holds.
Mediation is usually cheaper than seeking a legal solution. Furthermore, the mediator will usually be someone who is more experienced and impartial at solving cases such as these. It means that you will get an expert who is knowledgeable in resolving disputes surrounding child related issues and couples in need of financial assistance.
After reaching a solution, the mediator will help both parties in drafting a formal agreement that highlights the solution reached upon, so that each partner can have a reference and base to honour the arrived at solution.
Mediation for married couplesis a process that ensures a couple feels they are in a place where they feel their needs and wants are met. This is in contrast to legal battles in confrontational courts where hot issues may be aired out, leaving the couples feeling hurt and traumatic.
This would especially be stressful if children are involved. Thus, mediation aims at making couples solve their disputes in a way that is less damaging especially if children are involved. Mediation also means that both parties enter into the agreement voluntarily. Since the mediator is usually an expert in the field you have encountered disputes, it means that you will not be coerced into making a decision, rather, both partners try to find the best solution for their problems, while the mediator only acts as a facilitator.
Could you be entitled to the mediation voucher scheme – find out more here
Furthermore, the mediator can also ask the court to consider making the agreement legally binding and enforceable. With mediation, people not only reach solutions quicker and cheaply, but it also means they are less likely to go back to the legal system to sort out ongoing issues. It also means that the children will not have to go through the traumatic experiences witnessed in courts.
When parents’ divorce and child custody is contested, the parties can hire family mediation services from Countrywide Mediation. Contact us today!
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